FZW28-12F series outdoor demarcation vacuum load switch is suitable for outdoor three-phase AC power distribution system with rated voltage of 12kV and rated frequency of 5OHz, and is used for opening and closing load current and closing short-circuit current.
FZW28-12F series outdoor demarcation vacuum load switch is suitable for substations, industrial and mining enterprises and urban and rural power grids for protection and control, urban and rural power grid automatic distribution networks and places with frequent operations.
FZW28-12F series outdoor demarcation vacuum load switch is used as the operation control switch for overhead line power distribution system. There are many types. It has the advantages of no oil, simple mechanism, reliable performance and no maintenance, and has been widely used so far. This product is combined with FDR type fault detector or RTU remote control terminal device to form a distribution automation system with a very simple structure, which can realize automatic location of overhead line faults and automatic isolation of fault sections. In order to update the existing distribution switchgear in our country and make it realize the need of transformation of distribution equipment characterized by oil-free and automation.
Model meaning

Automatic blocking of phase-to-phase short-circuit faults: When the same short-circuit fault occurs in the user branch, the demarcation switch opens and blocks immediately after the substation circuit breaker or recloser protection trips. After the substation is reclosed, other branch users on the feeder quickly restore power supply;
Quickly locate the fault point: after the user's branch line accident causes the demarcation switch protection action, the responsible user will report the accident information actively, and the power company will send personnel to check the cause of the accident through the handheld computer or communication module;
Automatic removal of single-phase grounding fault: when a single-phase grounding fault occurs in the user branch line, the demarcation switch is automatically opened; the substation and other branch users on the feeder cannot feel the occurrence of the fault. This switch can realize the following functions: quick-break protection, over-current protection, three-time reclosing, event recording, anti-inrush current protection, zero-sequence protection, real-time clock, acceleration after reclosing, real-time status query, intelligent handheld computer control, local/remote setting Fixed value, active fault reporting, GSM short message function.
Technical parameter