ZW7-40.5 series outdoor high-voltage vacuum circuit breakers (hereinafter referred to as "circuit breakers") are used in three-phase power systems with AC 5OHz and rated voltage of 40.5iV, for dividing and combining load current, overload current and short-circuit current.
Model meanin

Environmental conditions
1. Surrounding air temperature: upper limit +40°C, lower limit -30°C (general area), -40°C (alpine area);
2. Altitude: ≤1000m (if the altitude increases, the rated insulation level will be increased accordingly);
3. Wind pressure: no more than 70OPa (equivalent to wind speed of 34m/s);
4. Earthquake intensity: no more than Ludu;
5. Contamination level: Ⅳ level;
6. Daily temperature difference: no more than 25℃.
Technical parameters (see table)